Ontario Marine Heritage Committee – Underwater Archaeology Course
Date: December 10 and 11, 2022
Maximum of 30 people. Those registering with full payment will be taken first.
Held at Trent University, Peterborough
Full course details will be provided upon registration.
Day One (open to all, mandatory if taking Day Two)
This course will provide an
- an understanding of the provincial requirements for a marine archaeological licence
- an introduction to research skills using archives and internet sources
- a discussion about different types of survey methodologies and equipment
- an introduction to practical underwater surveying skills
- demonstrate and understanding laying in a grid and working of baselines and offsets
- understanding of drawing and recording skills
- an understanding of the importance of notes and reports.
The course is intended to allow individuals to assist with underwater archaeological projects for organizations such as the Ontario Marine Heritage Committee, Save Ontario Shipwrecks and Preserve Our Wrecks and for consulting marine archaeological projects. This course is not meant to be the equivalent or substitution of an academic course or any NAS course. OMHC members ran courses such as these beginning in the 1960s and this course is an extension of the same with revised materials.
This course is intended for archaeologists, recreational divers, Ministry staff and Indigenous monitors/communities to become acquainted with underwater archaeology, possible resources, research methodology, licencing, survey equipment and techniques, a will provide a brief intro introduction to Indigenous artifacts and historic artifacts, recording, etc. In no way does the course necessarily allow you to take out your own licence (Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism makes those decisions) or to dive on a paid project without having the proper Ministry of Labour prerequisites.
The course is a full day.
Day Two (Note: Day One is a prerequisite for Day Two)
A second day is offered for Indigenous monitors/communities with an interest in understanding what to be aware of for projects involving underwater archaeology examining case studies and logistics of participation. Archaeologists and Ministry staff should also avail themselves of this second day. The second day is meant to prepare monitors to either oversee or participate in an underwater archaeology project.
Course Costs:
Day One only: $100/person, includes lunch, lectures, practical dry land session and handouts
Day One and Two: $200/person, includes lunch and lectures
Course Location:
Trent University, Peterborough
What to Bring:
If possible, bring a mask and snorkel, wet suit gloves
Your own water bottle
Something to record notes, etc. from the lectures.
Introduction to the Speakers/Lecturers:
The speaker roster may change depending on location, but for the first OMHC underwater archaeology session the following list of speakers is presented below:
Scarlett Janusas, Chair of OMHC, marine archaeologist
Allanah MacDonald, OMHC past chair, marine archaeologist
Jace Bazeley, OMHC archivist, archaeologist with marine experience.
This may be expanded before the session.
Course Overview and List of Topics:
Underwater archaeology in Ontario – different types of possible sites
Reasons for conducting underwater survey and excavation
Research Methodology – Use of historic materials, maps, internet sites, etc.
Types of Survey and Survey Equipment
Laying a Base line, setting up a grid
How to draw underwater, scale drawings
Practical Session (dry land)
Brief Introduction to Indigenous and Historic Artifacts
Notes and Reporting
Take Aways
References for basic understanding of marine archaeology
References for methodology
References for researching a site(s)
Suggested dive sites to practice skills
Organization contact info
Day Two
Course Overview and List of Topics
Is a monitor necessary for all underwater projects?
What monitors should ask consultants conducting underwater projects.
Survey and Excavation methodologies
Logistics: active participation versus passive participation, boats, insurance, etc.
Case Studies: examples of projects conducted in Ontario
Registration and Payment
Day One only – $100.00
Day One and Day Two – $200.00
Payment can be made one of two ways:
Method 1: etransfer to treasurer@ontariomarineheritagecommittee.ca
Method 2: By Credit Card at our Square Site. The following links will take you to a checkout screen.
Marine Archaeology 1 Day Course: $100
Marine Archaeology 2 Day Course: $200
Please complete and submit the following to Scarlett Janusas, OMHC President/Chair: jscarlett@amtelecom.net